About Home Cookbook

We have enjoyed cooking and entertaining for many years and with four children nutrition and cost are important factors. A lot of our recipes contain onions, garlic and cooked tomatoes which are amongst the healthiest foods you can eat.

Over the years our repertoire of dishes has grown, but we don't generally cook from recipes, just from the heart. So when friends have come over and asked for a recipe to try the dish themselves we don't normally have one to give them.

A friend, exasperated at our lack of recipes for her to try, suggested we make a website and write all our recipes down as we cook them. This we have endeavoured to do and the website is the result of much cooking and writing.

Our friends can now come here for their recipes and print off a printer friendly version. We hope you enjoy the dishes as much we have over the years.

Special thanks to the following:

Icons from FamFamFam under the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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